
評分3.0(3)·免費·WindowsThe2007MicrosoftOfficeSuiteServicePack2(SP2)providescustomerswiththelatestupdatestothe2007Officesuite,includingsupportforOpenDocument ...,MicrosoftOffice2007ServicePack2(SP2)isapackageofupdatesforthesuiteofofficeapplicationsMicrosoftOffice2007,whichincludessignificantfixes ...,DownloadMicrosoftOffice2007ServicePack2.Enhancesperformanceandaddssupportforadditionalfileforma...

2007 Microsoft Office Suite Service Pack 2 (SP2) for Windows

評分 3.0 (3) · 免費 · Windows The 2007 Microsoft Office Suite Service Pack 2 (SP2) provides customers with the latest updates to the 2007 Office suite, including support for Open Document ...

Microsoft Office 2007 Service Pack 2 (SP2)

Microsoft Office 2007 Service Pack 2 (SP2) is a package of updates for the suite of office applications Microsoft Office 2007, which includes significant fixes ...

Microsoft Office 2007 Service Pack 2

Download Microsoft Office 2007 Service Pack 2. Enhances performance and adds support for additional file formats in Office 2007. ✓ Virus Free.

Office 相容性套件Service Pack 2 描述

此外,2007 Microsoft Office 套件SP2 是第一個支援移除用戶端更新的Service Pack,方法是使用命令列,以及使用2007 Microsoft Office 套件的Microsoft Service Pack 卸載工具 ...

Office 相容性套件Service Pack 2 描述

此外,2007 Microsoft Office 套件SP2 是第一個支援移除用戶端更新的Service Pack,方法是使用命令列,以及使用2007 Microsoft Office 套件的Microsoft Service Pack 卸載工具 ...

Description of Office Compatibility Pack Service Pack 2

Additionally, 2007 Microsoft Office suite SP2 is the first service pack to support the removal of client updates by using the command line and by using the ...

Office 兼容性包Service Pack 2 的说明

此外,2007 Microsoft Office 套件SP2 是第一个支持通过使用命令行和使用2007 Microsoft Office 套件的Microsoft Service Pack 卸载工具删除客户端更新的服务包。

Microsoft Update Catalog

... (SP2), Office 2007, Service Packs, 4/5/2012, n/a, 69.0 MB 72303722. Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack Service Pack 2 (SP2), Office 2007, Service Packs, 4/5/ ...

Microsoft Office 2007 SP2 下載正式啟動

2007 Microsoft Office 套件Service Pack 2 (SP2) 檔案名稱: office2007sp2-kb953195-fullfile-zh-tw.exe 版本: 1.0